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I Don’t Like Authoritarians

I don’t like authoritarians. Perhaps that’s the wrong way to say it. I dislike it when people behave as authoritarians – better – it’s a choice they make after all. Here’s the scoop. There are people who just can’t seem to help wanting to run

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Disagreement Is A Sign Of A Free Society

Have you noticed, that as soon as the establishment begins to lose its grip on the direction of public opinion, it calls any discussion of things it disagrees with ‘divisive’. In normal parlance this means ‘tending to cause disagreement or division’, to the establishment, unsurprisingly,

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Superior, Sneering, Self-Hating Socialism

Orwell describes the modern ‘champagne socialist’ and central planner type to a tee… sounds a lot like the EU in places… “…Sometimes I look at a Socialist — the intellectual, tract-writing type of Socialist, with his pullover, his fuzzy hair, and his Marxian quotation —

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Left or Right Wing Collectivism Is Incompatible With Liberty

There is little to choose between Marxists/Communists and Fascists. Both are left wing collectivist and socialist ideologies, both enforce them with aggression, the main difference appears to be who they selected as the bogeyman to unite people against. Fascism and Marxism/Communism are described as national

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Democracy or Tyranny?

It’s only been about than two and a half years since the people’s vote, not only have we not officially left yet, our own parliament is still split over the reality of what we told them in 2016. The question for MPs is not what

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Abolish Category of ‘Hate Crime’

South Yorkshire Police used Twitter to urge members of the public to “…please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing…” In response, Dan Liddicott, Libertarian Party Home Affairs Spokesman, repeated his call to

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Back To Basics Policing

Libertarian Party Home Affairs Spokesman, Dan Liddicott, has called for the category of hate crime “to be abolished” and for a “back to basics” approach to policing, as vital police resources are misdirected from tackling real crime to recording incidents which are not crimes. “Police

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Thoughts And Feelings Are Not Crimes

Dan Liddicott, Libertarian Party Home Policy Spokesman, agreed with Chief Constable Sara Thornton when she raised the thorny issue of hate crime and urged police to focus on burglaries and violence ahead of recording incidents that are not crimes. Dan Liddicott, Libertarian Party Home Policy

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We Already Had Our People’s Vote

On the morning of Friday 24th June 2016, the day after the people’s vote on whether we would stay in the EU, the shock of finding that Brexit had clinched the vote was for me eclipsed by only one thing – the outrage from Remainers