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The Misdirection of EU Re-negotiation

What is the most plausible explanation for each administration basically continuing the same underlying theme regarding the EU, regardless of party? The current offer of a referendum by 2017 represents a ‘forced hand’ in response to the rising popularity of UKIP — Cameron’s show of

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UK Election Candidates ‘Ignoring the will of the people’ on the EU

In the run up to the UK elections, a month from now, we can typically expect any amount of mud slinging, challenges and counter challenges between candidates and parties. The EU referendum is perfect fodder for this with such a stark contrast between the positions

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80% of British Universities Fail Free Speech Test

Since Brendan O’Neill’s pointed essay “Free speech is so last century. Today’s students want the ‘right to be comfortable’” last November, I’ve been more aware of how conformist today’s student really can be when it comes to the party line handed down from above. I

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England and Wales Grows Biometric Surveillance of Innocent Citizens

The simple fact is that if your mugshot is held on a police database in England or Wales, your face could be one of 18 million that have been uploaded to a biometric facial recognition database. What is most concerning, however, is that an undisclosed