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When Does ‘Peaceful Protest’ Cross The Line?

The right to peaceful protest in the UK has been guaranteed for many many years, and is an essential freedom. But at what point does ‘peaceful protest’ begin to infringe on other people’s rights, to travel or to go about their own peaceful business? And

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The Tightest Presidential Race That Never Happened

The tightest Presidential race that never happened just elected the first woman President of the EU Commission. Don’t remember getting a ballot paper? Me neither. Even so it was a close race with the winner scraping in with just 9 votes in it. Wow! So

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On Being Told to Move to Somalia

Ilhan Omar and I have at least this in common, I have been told to move to Somalia too. It was Julie Borowski’s witty Tweet that reminded me, yet it’s an all too ready ‘suggestion’ given to libertarians. Why? Libertarians want small government and maximum

Libertarians: The Only Adults In The Room

For me, libertarianism is a manifestation of the golden rule – ‘do as you would be done by’. The golden rule is not merely an injunction to refrain from actions which harm others – though that is absolutely set in stone for libertarians – but a positive injunction to act in a way that helps others.

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Moral Authority in Libertarianism

The seed of future libertarian success is moral authority. Here’s why: A free people will choose their own path and not automatically trust anyone simply because they wave a flag or wear a uniform. Those impatient to make what they see are important changes – dare

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Keep Hold of Your Liberties

The cycle of ever increasing state power relies on placing the ordinary person in a position of abject helplessness where they believe the only avenue of escape is to call on the state to do more to ‘save’ them. By placing ordinary people at the

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Don’t Give Authoritarians Power

Authoritarian ideologies are afraid of free thought and free speech. Why? Thatcher gave the answer when she observed that socialists don’t like people to choose because they might not choose socialism. From one inherently authoritarian ideology to another, the Chinese have the same fear but

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“Government cash” Is Taxpayer’s Cash

“Government cash” is taxpayer’s cash. The government doesn’t have any money of its own. The question I ask, whenever government spends some of ‘their’ cash (your cash), is: would I have chosen to contribute to this voluntarily? It’s a serious question. While millions are having

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A Disunited Kingdom

The Libertarian Party believes that the solution to a disunited-Kingdom is constitutional change. A coercive union cannot, and ought not, be maintained. In our fresh new written Constitution for Britain the Libertarian Party proposes a confederation of free states, rather than a centrally controlled union

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Perversion of Forced Consent

Prof. Jordan Peterson shot to fame when he refused to accept rules that dictated the words a person must speak. It’s not that he would not choose to use the words demanded of his own volition, but rather that a person should not be coerced