The Real Climate Change Agenda

In some ways I wish it was harder to prove how out of touch, and how anti-human-existence these climate cult doom mongers seem in their preferred policies, when it comes to ordinary people – because if it was harder then I might have a chance of thinking I’m wrong about them. But they seem to wear it on their sleeve. It can’t be avoided. They don’t seem to care how much harder it makes life for ordinary people like you or me, they’ll keep putting fuel up; banning cheap cars that make it so you can’t afford to work, live, have a day out; price you out of meat; price you out of housing or even selling the house you’ve scrimped, saved and flogged yourself to buy; price you out of heating; increase the cost of living in ways they can afford but you can’t; take more and more money from you for daring to live and breathe, and all for what? To make no material difference to the global CO2 picture, as other countries keep increasing their output – a self-destructive act of futility that hurts you and me far more than it hurts them.
At some point you have to wonder if this isn’t about climate, or CO2 as much as it is about the more instant effect for you, and those who patronise them. For you – stop pursuing a life worth living, stop breeding, like herded and managed cattle we are to stop having aspirations outside the vision of the doom cult which you must believe for your own good. For them or their friends – more of your money and labour to control, more power, while still doing what they want, and enjoying more lavish lifestyles they can still afford.
As I’ve said before – this isn’t about failing to look after our planet, but we’re better becoming more resilient to change – change humans have adapted to before – instead of handing all we have and are over to people who don’t give tuppence for us, would take all our money and all the power, but can’t deliver any of their claims when they do.
One of the latest examples comes from a Telegraph article (…/raise-taxes-food-water…/) which claims the Chair of Natural England is calling to raise taxes on food and water to reflect climate change costs. But it’s often hard to say whether it’s the man being interviewed or just sloppy journalism that is to blame for the way the message comes across. Click bait? Or really what is being said? Either way, whether the man or the reporter, the message to us is the same. According to the report he’s not leaving the multimillionaires off the hook, calling for them to pay more for filling their swimming pools. It’s laughable because as we know in real life such things disproportionately hit the least well off since a greater proportion of income there is spent on survival basics. So while most of us find the already squeezed monthly budget even harder to manage we can rest assured that ‘we’re all in it together’ because somewhere else a multimillionaire is going to spend an extra £250 filling their pool. Given there are so few houses with pools in the big scheme, and even fewer of those are owned by multimillionaires one wonders why say it? Out of touch? Token gesture? It’s not even satire funny.
What’s also bizarre, and seems to be increasingly the case (watch out for it) is that ‘climate change’ has become the catch-all for any and every environmental issue and some more. Remember John Snow blaming a fallen tree on a train track on climate change? That’s how ridiculous it’s become. I seriously believe those feeding us this rubbish actually do want us to be a load of ‘Karens’ to borrow the term – but only if we unthinkingly spout their nonsense rather than someone else’s. In the Telegraph article we move swiftly from increasing taxes on food and water because ‘climate change’ to dirty rivers and for good measure unhealthy diets. But these two are not climate change issues. But don’t worry, he’s “not necessarily” in favour of a meat tax – it depends how it’s reared. If it comes from “Conservation Grazing as part of a rewilding project” it’s better for the environment… so expensive meat won’t get a tax rise, only the cheap meat most people rely on will. Like I said – not even satire funny.
It may be more precise to say that ‘climate change’ has become the catch-all, not just for climate issues, or even just environmental issues, but rather for human population control issues. When literally everything about your lifestyle gets roped in for scrutiny under the ‘climate change’ umberella, from health, diet, water, consumption, warmth, travel then ‘climate change’ becomes the excuse to invade our privacy and impose on our lives in any way without limit, and if you object you’re killing the planet and everyone on it. What else are we to conclude? Getting us all to believe that is a power monger’s dream.