The Mengele ‘Science’ of Alfred C. Kinsey
![Defend the truth](
Without truth, there is no freedom. That’s why the truth is what gets censored while the lie given 24/7 air time.
One such example is the curious determination of some organisations, including government sponsored ones, to talk to our children about sex at ever younger and younger ages, in more and more inappropriate ways.
While libertarians in general may struggle to find a foothold to argue against the increasing sexualisation in media and education (free speech and all that), surely they can tell the difference between an open public forum and a captive audience. There is no limit to the groups who would like to pump their ideologies into the heads of innocents, well meaning or otherwise, but what is the means by which some are permitted and others not? Surely libertarians can all agree it’s not the government’s job to get involved in funding, and thereby officially sanctioning grooming of children. Too few speak up, however. So here I am.
For decades ‘activists’ have wormed their way into education with the specific aim of increasing sexualisation of young people at ever younger and younger ages. This is not mere free speech, nor is it harmless. Much is based on abhorrent ‘research’, deception and lies.
We can trace a lot of the trouble back to Alfred C. Kinsey. Still upheld by some unknowing fans as a credible source, Kinsey worked to inject harmful principles and practices into western culture. Growing out of the atheistic cultural movement influenced by Freud and Nietzsche, Kinsey wanted people to view themselves as animals who should use whatever means necessary to relieve their sexual urges. All of the immoral practices identified by the Bible as abominable he sought to present as normal and widely practiced. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Kinsey’s institute had observed or been present for the sexual abuse of numerous children or pre-adolescent youth in a vile and criminal effort to convince the rest of us that children were born with the capability of becoming fully sexually active. He recommended sex education for the purpose of promoting sexual interest among children.
Kinsey promoted his sexual revolution on the back of rigged statistics and criminal ‘research’, intended to promote the lie that his perverted take on humanity and sex was normal and widespread. The ‘everybody is doing it’ message, backed by so called scientific statistics, were enough to convince many people that homosexuality, promiscuity and pedophilia were much more widespread than they expected. But it was a con, supported by skewed stats he got from interviewing prison inmates, prostitutes and other who were far from representative of the general population. But the lies were believed by enough with power to overwhelm the opposition as being old fashioned. So the lie became the truth, and the truth discounted.
It was Dr. Judith Reisman and her associates that ultimately de-bunked Kinsey’s work, discovering the criminal, reckless and incompetent methods behind it. They published a response “Kinsey, Sex and Fraud – The Indoctrination of a People”. And indoctrination it was, having the effect of riveting false creeds onto the minds of successive generations. But the ‘people’ had already fallen for him as an ‘expert’, and many still appear to be unaware of the immoral and unethical roots of his ‘research’.
What we have seen over the last several decades, and continuing now, are the fruits of Kinsey’s and other’s deceptive and corrupt work. The latest ‘drag queen’ story time scandals in the UK and US, are the continuation of what Kinsey started. Look at the Kinsey tree and you know the fruit, look at the fruit and you know the tree.
It’s not too late to push back, but it takes telling the truth, over and over, to counter the airtime given to the lie. This is necessary for freedom, if all the roads are built on lies, the next generation doesn’t have the freedom to choose the truth. You can do it, even if no one else will.
The ‘research’ of Kinsey was Mengele ‘science’. Kick him and his influence out of your schools, and teach your children the truth.