Thank you, Sir Ken Robinson
It is with sadness that I learn of the peaceful passing away of Sir Ken Robinson, yesterday, following a short battle with cancer.
Speaking as a former college lecturer and teacher, I can say that Sir Ken Robinson had a formative impact on my educational philosophy then that continues with me now. His continued advocacy for creativity in education and his criticism of the flaws in the prevailing system was well founded. He passes on a personal hero of mine in the field of education whose influence I will greatly miss. I wish peace and comfort to his loved ones left behind.
For those who haven’t had the pleasure of coming across Sir Ken’s work, he’s a British author, speaker and international advisor on education in the arts to government, non-profits, education and arts bodies.
When you come across someone of Sir Ken’s stature and wisdom in education, and you truly listen to what he is telling you, one can’t help but be deeply affected. Allow me to take the liberty of sharing just a few of his insights as my tribute to a truly great educator. I hope his great body of work will continue to influence the approach of educators all over the world, I know it will continue to influence mine.
In Tribute

Thank you, Sir Ken Robinson.
Note: In making this tribute I make no claim to know what Sir Ken’s political affiliations were, this post is a tribute to his great work in the field of education, and his impact on me as a young teacher, no more, no less.