The Real Climate Change Agenda
It may be more precise to say that ‘climate change’ has become the catch-all… for human population control.
It may be more precise to say that ‘climate change’ has become the catch-all… for human population control.
Lovers of freedom might forget the levers of power are the problem, not the solution. Rather than raising their voice against the levers, they grab for them, to use them to prevent other people using them.
The belief that climate change is man-made in spite of repeated bad predictions and a relatively tiny window of observation is in my view the equivalent of being a flat-earther – because the horizon looks flat from here.
One of the great threats to the soul of libertarianism in the UK is the reversal of the notion ‘rules without rulers’. This needs to be challenged by getting better organised.
You see why I think there is a threat to the soul of libertarianism in the UK? When those claiming to stand as its defenders behave in such a way what else can it be called? Only the members of a Party can do anything about this type of thing, and they can only do it if they are aware of it.
With the current direction of travel it seems likely that before long there will be a clash between capital and labour that could either be devastating to freedom, or to set it off for another stretch with a more secure footing.
To maintain or regain freedom in this way requires the independence of mind of many people. It’s the opposite of being a government informer. In a world that is ever more controlled, in propaganda, in regulations, in registrations, this independence of mind is more important than ever.
If you think Commies are left wing, and Nazis are right wing, then one must conclude that (a) libertarians are neither left wing, nor right wing, or if you think libertarians are right wing, then one must conclude that (b) commies, socialists, fascists and nazis are all leftwing. Pick one.
“The law becomes the tool of every kind of avarice, instead of being its check! The law guilty of that very inequity which it was its mission to punish! Truly, this is a serious fact, if it exists, and one to which I feel bound to call the attention of my fellow-citizens.”
“I think really humanity is just beginning to wake up to what it’s supposed to be. Humanity wasn’t meant to be a domesticated species, owned by a ruling class. Every human being owns himself, is in charge of his own life.”