Gutless Rebellion

It could have promised so much, but delivered so little. The potential rebellion of about 80 back bench Tory MPs over the renewal of the Coronavirus Act became nothing at all. Is this a case of weak MPs being unwilling to really take a stand when they can make a token gesture and then hide behind the cabinet and sit tight?

Non-aggression Against Tyranny

Libertarians may come to find that departing from the tyranny they deplore is the appropriate peaceful, non-aggressive, response to it – and the most libertarian thing they can do.

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Thank you, Sir Ken Robinson

When you come across someone of Sir Ken’s stature and wisdom in education, and you truly listen to what he is telling you, one can’t help but be deeply affected.

Beyond State Schooling

In spite of the challenges lockdown posed, I can’t help thinking it perhaps offered more educational opportunities than barriers for those who wanted to seize them. Individuals were finally free – during ‘school hours’ – to pursue education and learning of things that resonated with their interests, passions and inclinations, rather than the ‘one size fails to fit all’ standardised curriculum.

“…Never take a course that will silence you…”

“Refuse to learn anything that implies collusion, whether it be a clerkship or a curacy, a legal fee or a post in a university. Retain the power of speech no matter what other power you may lose. If you can take this course, and in so far as you take it, you will bless this country.” John Jay Champman

A ‘Conspiracy-tape’ Letter

Conspirators ought to fear that in attempting to hurry us they awaken us to a sense of our awful situation. For they who see our position as it really is, must never forget how totally different it ought to appear to us.

Do We Live In A Democracy? Should We?

What we currently experience as democracy is the activated perversion of the law, in which the power of the state increases as electors fight between themselves via the ballot box, who will be the next victim of the next perversion of the law.