False Equivocation

Calling out your false equivocation. Apparently there are two right wings, and one left wing. And the two right wings are complete opposites to each other, while one of the right wings is very similar to the left wing. Que? Quoi? What??? Yes, that is correct. That you haven’t noticed is half of the problem, and much of the reason for disagreement in politics. You’re using the words “right wing” to describe two totally different and opposite ideologies. And then, having made that first mistake, you’re imagining that, even though they couldn’t be more different, these two ideologies are equivalent, which they plainly are not.
“Hang on,” I hear you say. “Explain this to me.”
Perhaps the best way to start is to ask you some questions:
1. Are socialists right wing, or left wing? (Most people would say left wing)
2. Are communists right wing, or left wing? (Most people would say left wing, and some would argue “but that wasn’t real soc…” ok, for another day).
3. Are fascists right wing, or left wing? (Most people would say right wing)
4. Are Nazis right wing, or left wing? (Most people would say right wing)
And now for where you all trip over…
5. Are libertarians right wing, or left wing?
Well? Which are they?
And most people would say “right wing” which, in comparison to the answers most people give to the first four questions, makes no sense whatever.
“But libertarians oppose socialism, so they must be right wing…”
SMH. Then let me enlighten you. Libertarians also oppose fascism and nazism. Does that make them left wing?
You see the conundrum? Libertarianism opposes communism, socialism, fascism and nazism and all similar ideologies. And what is it about those ideologies that libertarianism opposes? They are all authoritarian, they are all collectivist, and they all to one degree or another violate individual rights. And when you look at it like that, the left and right wings, as commonly understood, have a lot in common. What is the main difference between the left and the right? The leftwing authoritarian collectivists choose class as the issue for their ideology. The right wing authoritarian collectivists choose race/nationality as the issue for their ideology. In modern times even that distinction has become blurred, and they are more similar than ever. Apart from that, by and large, their ideologies largely have a similar disregard for individual liberty and promote collectivism.
If you think Commies are left wing, and Nazis are right wing, then one must conclude that (a) libertarians are neither left wing, nor right wing, or if you think libertarians are right wing, then one must conclude that (b) commies, socialists, fascists and nazis are all leftwing.
Pick one.