Category Archives: Libertarian

Free Marketers Are Not Left or Right

“Boris Johnson has signalled his ruthless determination to deliver Brexit and stoked speculation about an early general election by sacking more than half of Theresa May’s cabinet and packing his team with Vote Leave veterans and rightwing free marketers.” So says the Guardian. But what

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Time For The Family To Say No!

Ultimately this is not about holidays, this is about state infringement of private family life. This is a test of how abject and subjugated we are willing to be. A test of how little we value family autonomy from state interference.

We’ve maxed out our kid’s credit card. Can we stop now?

There is an expectation endemic throughout most of UK society that the government ought to do an awful lot of things for people. From education, to healthcare, to housing, a great many people think that if there is a ‘social’ need it is for the government