Category Archives: Propaganda

Trump Negotiations, Ukraine and Nato

War-War or Jaw-Jaw: Trump, Ukraine and Nato

“What is the truth?” is the last thing most of us are expected to ask, or find out. What we are expected to *believe* is the truth is more easily found. And what we are to think and say about those who believe differently, even more readily still. As the old joke goes “The news used to tell us what happened, and we decided what to think about it, now the news tells us what to think, and we decide whether it even happened that way.”

The Climate Flat Earth

The belief that climate change is man-made in spite of repeated bad predictions and a relatively tiny window of observation is in my view the equivalent of being a flat-earther – because the horizon looks flat from here.

A ‘Conspiracy-tape’ Letter

Conspirators ought to fear that in attempting to hurry us they awaken us to a sense of our awful situation. For they who see our position as it really is, must never forget how totally different it ought to appear to us.